NOTE: The Role of Nonverbal Persuasion in Juror Decision-Making and the Need to Regulate the Trial Consulting Industry

This student NOTE, focused on whether and how the trial consulting industry should be regulated, contains an abundance of information about nonverbal communication techniques and their effectiveness.

When Self-Report Trumps Science: Effects of Confessions, DNA, and Prosecutorial Theories on Perceptions of Guilt

The authors analyze how a confession can be made to appear believable even when DNA evidence exculpates the accused, and suggest reform approaches to reduce this risk.

Persuasion: An Annotated Bibliography

This offers a bibliography of scholarship on persuasion in legal advocacy.

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What Cognitive Dissonance Tells Us About Tone in Persuasion

This article explains the cognitive science showing that a reasonable tone in advocacy is more persuasive than aggression.

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William Rehnquist’s Judicial Craft: A Case Study

This piece examines some of the advocacy techniques used by then-Associate Justice Rehnquist to advance his preferred understanding of the Fourth Amendment.

Arline’s Ghost: Some Notes on Working as a Major Life Activity under the ADA

This article discusses how Supreme Court oral argument in a particular case influenced both the Court’s resolution of the case and Congress’s later use of it as a vehicle for major law reform.